To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 6: Jem’s Diary Activity

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 6

In this engaging assignment, students will explore Chapter 6 of To Kill a Mockingbird through a creative diary-writing activity from Jem Finch’s perspective. The task focuses on developing a distinctive voice for Jem and delving into his experiences during this critical chapter. Students are expected to accurately identify key events, use creative writing to fill narrative gaps, and critically analyze Jem’s actions and decisions. This activity offers a unique opportunity to deepen understanding of the novel and enhance creative and analytical skills.

Learning Goals

  • I will be able to accurately identify and understand the key events that occur in Chapter 6 of To Kill a Mockingbird.
  • I will be able to use creative writing techniques to imaginatively fill in the gaps of the story.
  • I will be able to critically think about and interpret Jem’s actions and decisions in the chapter.



  1. Introduce the writing activity to students.
  2. Read Chapter 6 of To Kill a Mockingbird.
  3. Students are to complete the writing activity.

Student Instructions

Write a diary entry from Scout’s perspective. It should be at least 3 paragraphs long and include the following:

A unique voice: Jem’s thoughts and expressions should be noticeably different from Scout’s narrative style. Consider his older age and deeper insights.

Cover Key Chapter Events: 

Start of Chapter: Begin by reflecting on the activities they were engaged in at the chapter’s start.

Radley Yard Experience: Elaborate on Jem’s adventure in the Radley yard. Focus on his emotional and psychological state during this daring act.

Retrieving Pants: Creatively imagine Jem’s experience when he returns for his pants. This detail is not explicitly covered in the book, so use your imagination to fill in the gaps.

Jem’s Thoughts in Bed: Conclude with Jem lying in bed, trembling. Ponder over what these feelings mean to him – is it fear, a realization, or a mix of emotions?

Remember, a diary entry is written in the first person. It should be personal and introspective (inward-looking). 


Chapter Details (5 Marks)

  • Coverage of Key Events /2
  • Accuracy and Relevance /2
  • Filling in the blanks based on context  /1

Voice (5 Marks)

  • Distinctiveness from Scout’s Narrative   /2
  • Consistent throughout the piece  /2
  • Expression and Emotional Insight   /1

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