To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 24: Alexandra & Maudie

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 24

This lesson plan for To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 24, students will engage in a partner-based task to write a dialogue between Alexandra and Miss Maudie following the news of Tom Robinson’s tragic death. This exercise aims to deepen students’ understanding of the novel’s characters, themes of justice and societal change, and the complex social dynamics of Maycomb. By embodying the characters of Alexandra and Miss Maudie, students will explore the nuances of these figures’ emotions, perspectives, and reactions to the injustice prevalent in their community, fostering critical thinking and empathy.

Learning Goals

  • I will be able to analyze and interpret the complex emotions and perspectives of Alexandra and Miss Maudie in the context of Tom Robinson’s death.
  • I will be able to craft a dialogue that accurately reflects the characters’ viewpoints and voices, demonstrating understanding of their roles and development within the novel.
  • I will be able to use proper dialogue formatting to enhance readability and clarity, ensuring that the text is accessible and engaging.



  1. Handout the instruction sheet.
  2. Have students take notes on Aunt Alexandra’s and Miss Maudie’s attitudes while they read the chapter.
  3. Read To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 24
  4. If needed, review the scripting lesson.
  5. Have students complete the dialogue writing activity.

Alexandra & Maudie Dialogue Writing

Create a dialogue that explores the complex emotions and perspectives of Alexandra and Miss Maudie following the news of Tom Robinson’s death. This assignment will allow you to examine the characters’ viewpoints, the social dynamics of Maycomb, and the themes of justice and change in Harper Lee’s novel.

Alone, or with a partner, write a dialogue that takes place between Alexandra and Miss Maudie after the others leave the missionary circle. Your dialogue should:

  • Reflect Alexandra’s criticisms of the town’s social injustices and her frustration with the community’s attitudes.
  • Present Miss Maudie’s responses to Alexandra’s criticisms, showcasing her wisdom, perspective, and her understanding of her role in facilitating change within Maycomb.
  • Ensure that each character’s voice is distinct and true to their portrayal in the novel.
  • Use a consistent dialogue format to enhance readability and clarity.


  • Use direct quotes from the book as a reference to keep characters’ voices authentic, but do not copy entire conversations from the book.
  • Incorporate at least one instance where Alexandra expresses her critical views on Maycomb’s social dynamics and one instance where Miss Maudie shares her insight on the possibility of change.
  • Your dialogue should be at least 300 words long, allowing for a detailed exploration of the characters’ viewpoints.

Marking Scheme (Total: 20 Marks):

  • Characterization and Voice (8 marks)
    • Alexandra’s voice is critical, concerned, and reflective of her social position and character development (4 marks).
    • Miss Maudie’s voice is wise, hopeful, and demonstrates her understanding of her role in Maycomb’s social change (4 marks).
  • Content and Depth of Dialogue (8 marks)
    • The dialogue includes Alexandra’s criticisms of the town (2 marks).
    • Miss Maudie’s responses highlight her perspectives on change and the community (2 marks).
    • The conversation adds depth to the understanding of social dynamics and themes in the novel (4 marks).
  • Dialogue Formatting and Clarity (2 marks)
    • Consistent dialogue formatting is used, with clear distinctions between speakers and appropriate use of paragraphs and punctuation (2 marks).
  • Creativity and Engagement (2 marks)
    • The dialogue is creative, engaging, and adds meaningful insights into the characters and the narrative (2 marks).

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