Lord of the Flies Chapter 12: Thematic Explorations Drill

Lord of the Flies Chapter 12

In this lesson, students will explore the rich thematic content of Lord of the Flies after reading to the end of the novel. Through a structured group activity, learners will examine complex themes such as civilization vs. savagery, power and control, loss of innocence, and more. The exercise is designed to encourage critical thinking, collaborative discussion, and a deeper understanding of the novel’s exploration of human nature and societal constructs. By rotating theme cards among small groups, students will engage in a drill activity, building upon each other’s insights to foster a comprehensive discussion on how these themes are woven into the fabric of the story.

Learning Goals

  • I will be able to identify and discuss key themes in “Lord of the Flies” as they pertain to human nature and society.
  • I will be able to collaborate effectively with peers, contributing to and building upon group discussions to deepen understanding of the text.
  • I will be able to connect thematic elements from the novel to broader societal issues, demonstrating insight into the text’s relevance to real-world scenarios.



  1. Read Lord of the Flies Chapter 12
  2. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students.
  3. On a card, provide each group with a theme to explore:
    1. Civilization vs. savagery
    2. Power and Control
    3. Loss of Innocence
    4. Order vs. chaos
    5. Mob mentality
    6. Good vs. evil
    7. Nature vs. nurture
  4. Explain to the students that they will be participating in a drill activity where they will have a limited amount of time to discuss and brainstorm examples of how the theme on their card is portrayed in the novel.
  5. Set a timer for 5 minutes and instruct the groups to discuss and write down as many examples as they can think of that relate to their assigned theme.
  6. After the time is up, have each group rotate their theme card to the next group clockwise.
  7. Set the timer for another 5 minutes and instruct the new groups to build upon the examples already listed on the card, adding their own ideas and insights.
  8. Continue until the rotations are complete.
  9. Once all rotations are complete, gather the class together and have each group present one of the theme cards they worked on. Encourage them to explain the examples they came up with and how they connect to the overall message of the novel.
  10. Facilitate a class discussion after each presentation, allowing students to ask questions and provide feedback on the connections made.
  11. Conclude the activity by summarizing the main themes discussed and highlighting their significance in Lord of the Flies.
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